Spinning Plate
I cannot believe I'm even thinking about doing this, again, moving that is. My last apartment I lived in for 10 years. I've been in my current apartment for 2 years. If my old landlord hadn't shoe horned me into an 18 month lease every year I'd most likely still be there. So why do I want to move again? Heat. My new apartment is beautiful, but the place won't heat up in the winter and winter is approaching rapidly (you didn't hear that from me). So today I went and looked at a new space at Spinning Plate Artist Lofts. And a beautiful space it is, it's just a bit on the small side, so tomorrow I need to decide what I am going to do, but am leaning towards taking it. It's a better location than where I am now across the street from Whole Foods and the Liquor store ( you didn't hear that from me either).